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Is VR the Future of Gaming or Not?

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

Photo by Empirical Gamers.
Photo by Empirical Gamers.

When VR first came out into the market, I was amazed. I was like, "Oh, this is the future of gaming!" Then the next week, my friends bought a VR headset; when they tried it, they said it gave them a headache and messed up their depth perception. Despite what they said, I always hoped that developers could improve VR technology further. I also wondered how it was different from a regular monitor. Today, people just sit on their chairs, moving only their hands and fingers on the mouse and keyboard to play video games and other activities on the computer. If you were a hardcore gamer, you would be on it for hours and consume nothing but Doritos and Gatorade to make yourself more comfortable. No one can tell me that this was a healthy lifestyle. This is where VR excites me the most; instead of sitting on a chair all day, you can move around all the time, giving you a healthier lifestyle. That is why I have a lot of hope that VR could make people's lifestyles more active without even knowing. If you asked me if it would be a good gift, I would say yes, seeing that it would be a better alternative than a gaming chair.

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